USA Website Changes

2023 USA website changes

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Component Default Assignee
Desktop Payroll pages Srinivas
New designs for Desktop Payroll pages
Online Payroll pages Deepika
These are few pages received from Marketing team for the US Cloud Payroll on the website
Phase II changes Srinivas
2. Content Changes All the changes related to the 2023 release have been added to a single document. Just the enhancement list is pending, which I will update once we receive the proofread copy from the US team. Folder: \devolopment group\2017 CheckMark New Website\CheckMark USA Website\2023 Changes\1. Content 3. Cloud Backup a. The monthly pricing has been removed from the Cloud Backup add-on's single and all software plans. Only the annual plan will be available on the updates portal and store. b. Ensure the expiry follow-up email service is activated and the customer receives them before their plan expires. c. The monthly plan should be removed from pricing pages, store pages, and updates portal. Folder: \devolopment group\2017 CheckMark New Website\CheckMark USA Website\2023 Changes\9. Cloud Backup
Price Increase 2022 - CheckMark USA Deepika
2022 price changes \devolopment group\2017 CheckMark New Website\CheckMark USA Website\2023 Changes\2. Price Increase
Website ERP changes 2023 Srinivas
Website ERP changes 2023